Thursday, April 4, 2013

Evolution Study Guide Answers

  1. Variation
  2. Natural Selection
  3. Evolution
  4. Genes
  5. Adaptation
  6. Fitness
  7. Genetic Drift
  8. Half-life
  9. Alelle Frequency
  10. Speciation
  11. Founder's Effect
  12. Relative Dating
  13. Nocturnal (to avoid heat); No fur (to stay cool); Animals are really good at extracting water from food (no need to drink)
  14. Because the trees were covered in soot, the once favored light moths suddenly stood out against the dark trees. This made them a more likely target for predators. This caused a rapid change in the genes of the moths. More dark genes were now present in the peppered moth population.
  15. (Left to Right, Top to Bottom): 4, 2, 5, 3,1,6,
  16. graph shifts to the left.
  17. 10 g.
  18. Opposable thumbs, large brains compared to body size, binocular vision, bipedalism
  19. Sexual reproducers produce variation every time they produce offspring (minnows, incest = more disease)